Payment / 支付

Click the button below to place your order. This will redirect you to the Paypal payment page. Entering the payment value you need to pay in that Paypal page and click the confirm button to complete the checkout. It is advise that you send an email to notice me after your payment is completed, I will process your booking as soon as possible. Thanks for your business!

點擊下面的按鈕下訂單。這會將您重定向到Paypal付款頁面。輸入您需要在該Paypal頁面中支付的付款金額,然後點擊確認按鈕完成結算。 建議您在付款完成後發送電子郵件通知我,我將盡快處理您的預訂。 感謝您的業務!

Secure payment by Paypal / Paypal 安全支付: